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Well after my last cartoon which I had to admit was a bit of a bomb.I decided to release somthing of a bit more qulity this time around lol.Thank you very much to everyone whos helped me with soild advice and has been really supportive.Thank you so much.Now sit back and enjoy.Plz be shure to vote and tell me what you think :)

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Since you can no longer tell people what you think

because people seem to get the feeling hurt....

It would be better if all your stuff wasnt self absorbed goth motif, also if you put more into plot that "i am sad"

((( VERY NICE )))

This was very cool, i liked the animating was smooth and flowed well, allthough it could have been somewhat better with more depth of a stoy, but other elements presented itself well, and its a fan fave so notbad at all, anyways nice work keep it up...


creepy like

I liked this the animation and graphics were decent, and although it had no story, it still fit together. Nice jorb ya did rite here.


i liked the song. the graphics aren't that great. she has this little smile the whole time. WHY??? whatever i guess i just didn't like the flash.
although, the way the little...rag doll thing was splayed out and sewn to the chair was hot... made it that much better and it got u a 7...

ehh.. are you a goth?

delightfully evil.. loved the music. i just didnt like the goth part..err

Credits & Info

4.33 / 5.00

May 11, 2004
2:28 AM EDT