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Tellest Rev: Ep3: Kaos

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Author Comments

In this episode, the return of the hidden scene! This one is a bit difficult to find, so i'll let you know, its in the boat scene. I also picked out some more good music in my opinion, and made sure the playback buttons would work well. Enjoy and thank you.

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((( NOTBAD )))

Notbad on this, while im not into sprite work this was really good the story kept me interested and wanting more, i like the backround scene setting you chose aswell, notbad for sprite works, so keep it up...


good job!

good job man...cant wait for the sec part...the music fit realy well...well...later


A nice descant simple,well done flash sprite movie good work :)


This is a good movie, i think you make more of them, plz, THX!

Nice Job

That was entertaining. I liked it overall. I cant give it a ten though, I just thought the dialogue and the graphics could have been more interesting. But, 8 out of 10 is not too shabby, and your flash was not too shabby. Good luck on making more.

Credits & Info

4.30 / 5.00

Apr 28, 2004
10:53 AM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place April 29, 2004