This should be a Tool video...
DEUS EX MACHINA is competing for the best animation short made for the internet at Ottawa International Animation Festival 2004. (
"In some ancient Greek drama, an apparently insoluble crisis was solved by the intervention of a god, often brought on stage by an elaborate piece of equipment. This "god from the machine" was literally a deus ex machina.
Few modern works feature deities suspended by wires from the ceiling, but the term deus ex machina is still used for cases where an author uses some improbable (and often clumsy) plot device to work his or her way out of a difficult situation. When the cavalry comes charging over the hill or when the impoverished hero is relieved by an unexpected inheritance, it's often called a deus ex machina."
From the Guide to Literary Terms by Jack Lynch.
This should be a Tool video...
What... the... hell... was... that...
i kind of like it,
but how may hasj dit this animator take???
Excellent job
Very artistic. Only thing that I'm still wondering after watching this is if I've done too many drugs today or not enough... Definately like a 10.0 on the weird-shit-o-meter but you made it work very well. Keep up the good work.
Horror movies don't scare me. I'm not scared of a lot of things.
However, if I were watching this alone, in the dark, animations like THIS would bug the crap out of me.
I did like your use of color as well. The blurry green and the red.
Anyway, this was very artistic, you have talent. Keep it up!