Taste like goldfish with meat media
Lazlow Radio #9
From GTA 3 Comes Lazlow Radio listen in as Lazlow Takes calls on his radio show, I made this more for the funny audio of gta 3's Lazlow
~XwaynecoltX~ .... My (27th) Movie
Taste like goldfish with meat media
the people were well drawn but its the same graphics everytime. the sound was clear and it was kinda funny.
every episode as been the same graphics
not the best series, well i assume that you not making episodes cause this was made in 04
Why hello there :)
Well, there well very little movement in this flash but it is just a radio station.
You could show the people on the other line doing something interesting or have an interesting background; it would have been more entertaining. Funny audio, but overall the flash was boring.
THis and #8 were the best, i loved the fish and again the guest cam was good, keep it up.
2nd best
Wow definately one of the best Lazlow Radios, I still think #8 was the best (which is a shame becuase it would have been nice for the last to be the best) because it was the funniest, as the farmer guy who was first on this was funny but not that much and I just didnt understand the second guy.
Anyway, the guest cma was better I feel because you added animations within like the fish swimming around in the pet shop. I am amazed at how you have transformed this series, well done and good luck to any future flash LR plans!
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