this was made many years ago and i dont think there will be a final episode however it was a good series
Bass, X, Zero and Protoman VS Virus Zero!
*Watch the past chapters to understand what the f$#% is happening ^^!
*Please!! You might find some spelling mistakes here, plz tell me if you find something!
*Leave a review! It'll make you grow strong, strong and healty!
this was made many years ago and i dont think there will be a final episode however it was a good series
Great but...
When will part 9 will appear?I really wanted to watch it.
look dude
ppl will think your lazy if dnt get your fat ass off and make pt9
animation could have been better tho
Where's pt.9?
this is an awesome series!
a few suggestions for later episodes. watch the grammar. use yellow devil ALL the time (personal thing, don't worry about it). and don't lose focus in the story. i didn't so far but sometimes you can catch that happening, but that doesn't mean give up.