System of a Down's Bounce was the best part of this.
That song ruled everything there.
Most were alright, but not one of your finer claymations either in this set.
You have much better works then this.
System of a Down's Bounce was the best part of this.
That song ruled everything there.
Most were alright, but not one of your finer claymations either in this set.
You have much better works then this.
It was worth it for SOADs "Bounce"
That song ruled all asses there.
Most were allright, but not one of your finer claymations either in this set.
Doug rocks
Where did you find the killer tofu song, oh my god. That was the best part but, that writing going across the screen reminded me of american idol, uh...
it was lacking.....
it was ok.....jsut needs some improvement....
but i hope the next one you send to NG is alot better......seriously
props for using a SOAD song tho....however....they werent talking about a pogo stick was a get it?
i got it.. why do you think he looked down as the girl walked on screen and he was "playing with his pogostick".. i just wanted to mix it up a little without it being totally perverted
A real mixed bag...
Killer Tofu was hillarious... The cockroach thing was meh.... The pogo song was ok, but the animation on it was kinda lacking.. you didn't put much work in to that segment (early attempts?).... and as for the clay... I love claymation... even poorly done claymation... but on this ONE segment, there was almost no sound...
I wish more people would take the time to THINK about the sound levels when they record their own voices... because you either wind up with something you can barely hear (like your claymation) or else they talk way too loud and it sounds like crap because they're yelling into the mic...
The Killer Tofu was good though... more stuff like that...