Nice work.
I follow the school of thought that a movie is good if it is good, not because it is sticks or madness clone, or matrix or dbz rip-offs/tributes. This movie is good. I can see that you put a lot of work into it. The detail on the weapons was enough. Not too much to take in, but not simple block-drawings.
However, as with almost all good and great movies, there are a few things that could be improved. For example, you have sfx for firing the gun, but none for loading/cocking. Also, the angle of the backs is fine for standing or walking leisurely, but the faster people walk/run/charge, the shallower the back. Another point on the movement of the characters is although the forward motion of the legs is fine; the legs also need to move backwards. If you are not sure what I mean, try watching a friend walk/run. Even better would be to video the friend with a digital camera/camcorder, and study it using frame-by-frame.
Despite the inevitable points that need improving, this is a good movie, although I personally prefer the “prequel” to this one.