That was great but you could have thought of a better title than "the two people", nice animation, graphics and sound was alright. graphically it was one of your best flashes, keep it up.
these guys i met at the park were gay lovers. mommy told me to stay away from them.
That was great but you could have thought of a better title than "the two people", nice animation, graphics and sound was alright. graphically it was one of your best flashes, keep it up.
Fun Gag
the Pokemon battle was the best part of the movie. The movie was too short, and... well, lets just say... improvement.
Nice running gag. Liked the Pokemon battle, but it was too short, and well, overall needs a lot of improvement.
thas pretty fucking smooth... how many frames per sec did it take?
The animation was smooth and cool. I'm not gonna vote that high (a 3) cause it was way to short. That character looked cool. Make a longer one please!!!!
Why were clock crew like things but no clocks?