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Carma Cowboys #3

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Carma Cowboys is Phantom_Clock's TV Show in Denmark. Phantom and I have teamed up to bring this to NG!

This is perhaps my favorite one so far! The rifle is loaded with beans :D

NOTE: Check ot Silicon Commander Games and download solar vengeance! http://www.silicmdr.com/ !

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the best yet, easily. the graphics were a bit better than the last two, and probably because the lighting was better - it was made outdoors.
but geez, what a way to ruin a pair of pants, eh? lol. that was some funny stuff... and you say that it was a real rifle? you mean it shoots proper bullets? damn, thats gotta hurt then, haha.
nice work with this one, quite funny.
overall score: 6/10

Short but still filesize heavy

#2 was the runt of the series IMO. Did the bean rifle really hurt THAT much? Looked pretty staged to me.

((( NOTBAD )))

Well it was ok, but for some reason the one before this one made me laugh alot more, it still had its moments just not as good, anyways nice job once again...


Nicely done

It woulda been way funnier if he guy wasnt expecting being shot in the ass though... least what i think. Other than they Muy bueno.

TheComet responds:

If johngi didnt know that, he would get mighty pissed. we dont want him to pepper spray us in our sleep like he did to MacGrethe

Well, his show is like Jackass, what do ya' expect? :) I'll get #4 out sometime later, either today or tomarrow.

Fuckin hilarious... i feel bad for that dude

I like seeing real live crap in flash... its just amuzing... plus cartoons bug me... fuckin anime

Credits & Info

3.30 / 5.00

Mar 10, 2004
6:48 PM EST