good pussy ah ah good pssy ah ah ;)
Hahaahah that was just sweet!5 for you!
i took a brake from my websites to do this. the song is mine, i recorded it and the language most spoken is polish thanks to my polish friends at school! man i am pathetic! hope you laugh and like it. but if you hate it i am just as happy for you! lol
good pussy ah ah good pssy ah ah ;)
Hahaahah that was just sweet!5 for you!
Ok first of all
Man how bad can sumthiing suck? ive seen some bad things on here butt this one takes the cake....i hate clowns and i dunt know ur sick fetish with seeing dogs f*ing cats butt plz dunt share it with the rest of one cares...
Szuka³em jakichœ produkcji dla odmiany tych dobrych, znaczy siê polskich. No i wielka niespodzianka!! To mnie rozwali³o, jest akurat 3-cia nad ranem, a ja siê przez co najmniej 5 minut zwija³em ze œmiechu. Rewelacja!
*The Words up, means that the flash is absolutely funny, and grate!*
Someone who said else, will Die!
Peace \m/
OW! My eyes and ears!
How could this crap pass??? It has no backgrounds and little animation. And animals with sex like that? gross.
Turd of the Weeek front-runner?
umm what? im with davuu
that was, really wierd, i dont understand, is it suppost to be a music video? or something simular to that? cus i dont get why the dog grew heads out of its arms and whatnot