not that's terminal
Cigarette, a user, claims to be dying of terminal brain cancer. She confesses to Cycon that it is merely a scam to get attention and tells him that he is stupid.
As it says, this is based on something that actually happened to me while chatting on the Gaia forums. She was pretty mean about everything, and when I jokingly made fun of this claim, alot of people got angry with me. I was reported to the administrators 3 times. Today, she re-appeared on the forums "magically" and it was like Christ rose from the grave. I simply laughed. Now she can see this mock up of the situation.. Its slightly modified and especially formatted for those who didn't believe me. Fuck you, Gaia... Fuck you....
NOTE: The new stuff isn't based on Gaia. This particular toon happened to be, but later cartoons are not meant to be set in that lame world. I swear.
not that's terminal
Fucking hilarious.
its just a scam to fool all those bastards at newgrounds!
When you grow up you understand even more when you grow up
PS: Klunk is my favorite character he is such a badass
Some 14 year old had his animation fever dream come true.
And for that, I love this series (not this particular episode........but still).
and remember kids, if a girl rejects you, well... MENTOS xD
Edited: I didn't read the description, I'm sorry I don't know much English =(,Hopefully the person who had cancer there improved, Lo siento :(
woah woah woah, yes if you get rejected or are born that way then MENTOES, but if someone fakes brain cancer you make cartoons to slander them in the name of TRUTH that turns out to be TRUE and be the hero on a weird anime site for a few years, fail college, and fart through life until you remember fuckin MENTOS will take care of it and then you wait for death....