its funny
lol but it was bad
Here is another music video for you guys/girls.
its funny
lol but it was bad
actually its all the lonely people
i think anyway. the beatle RoXoR anyway. the video just doesnt justifie though. well this one anyway
hmm interesting
dude the song is called Elenor Rigby so maybe it should have been on her grave and the title. but otherwise it was a pretty average flash.
Old song. New profile.
At least it was streamed. Could have been a lot worse I guess, hehehe...
That it could.
Not bad.
2 in graphics well cuz... well you should know.The music?It was great beetles are cool i guess and good idea too 7 in style becuase too many people make music videos and also you coulda added more stuff to go along with the song.
Yeah il have to spend more time on the graphics.