that was awesome!
episode 1 was good, 2 was good, 3 was very good... and it just kept getting better! i have a suggestion: since u used so much from RPG2K, i'd like to see you make an RPG on RPG2K3. i'm sure it would be excellent with your work!
Hey there! It's finally on NG. The last episode of Dirty Power: The Quark Legacy. Now, while this may be the last EPISODE, it is not the last MOVIE! After watching this, you may notice a certain part is missing. That part will be animated by itself. So there. By the way, sorry for the big filesize...
Some info for the curious:
2 scenes.
5330 frames
332 seconds long ( if you watch the credits too )
16 FPS
Enjoy this is you have enjoyed all other episodes ( wich I hope you have ).
Stay cool!
that was awesome!
episode 1 was good, 2 was good, 3 was very good... and it just kept getting better! i have a suggestion: since u used so much from RPG2K, i'd like to see you make an RPG on RPG2K3. i'm sure it would be excellent with your work!
I have tried a couple of times, but it seems I just don't have the patience, or any ideas actually suitable for an RPG. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. The only reason I DID use that much from RPG2K was because... I didn't have anything else than that and Little Fighter 2. XD
What an amazing story!
I see Psycho came back,( and had an evil twin) P got what he deserved! Great job! The movie was superb.
((( NOTBAD )))
Good sprite action, cool effects, but the dl was one big pappa ha, no not that bad i liked, hope to see more soon, nice job...
Um... I thank you for the nice comments, but please, breathe between your sentences. It's healthy. ;p
It rox0rz
damn, this gives me an idea for a sequal, but unfortunately I suck at spriting... But hey, if you want me to send you the backstory of what the sequal to this, please respond
Well, I am already planning a new serie to start, but e-mail me the story at and I'll take a look... thanks for the awesome rating.
I voted a 5 on all dirty power!
Waii! Thanks!