its lobster the lobster tiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiep iepiekakakakakaka
Ahh..the last of the LTL movies I have made so far. So watch the fifth episode of the series and enjoy! It features a new character, a brand new song, and some exciting new situations! It's really evolving!
My good friend Rajal suggested the plot for this ep, which was good because it saved LTL from early death by my hand.
its lobster the lobster tiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiepiep iepiekakakakakaka
Dude, that was so random
It was freakin' hilarious
It was an o.k. shorty.
Didn't really like it, it made no sense.
laughing hard so glad io dont have to talk for this *deep breaths*
no words laughing too hard
the bologna song hahahaha i can't breathe any more