Very funny
And presently the Lord said "Let there be hot monkey love." And lo, a Flash movie was born. And it was good.
Great job.
Merry Christmas from Jesus and Monkey.
I whipped up this inspiring bit of Christian rock just in time for Jesus's birthday.
WARNING TO CHRISTIANS: I didn't make this to piss you off and I don't mean
to offend my Christian friends so please don't watch this. It's not for you.
This is one for the non-believers and the freaks like me..
Very funny
And presently the Lord said "Let there be hot monkey love." And lo, a Flash movie was born. And it was good.
Great job.
Quite funny
This explains how George W. Bush was born.
dum bitch
its not the jesus thing... i just hate the monkey love...
I wouldn't know. I havn't tried monkey love. I see you have some experiance with it and don't like it. I, on the other hand, know better than to fuck a monkey in the first place.
Good Stuff
Hahahahaha Spank that monkey Jesus!
LOL.. It's been months and months since someone reviewed this bit of insanity. Yours review is making me laugh as I type this. Thanks... hehe
You say this is not to be viewed by Christian people? It's a good warning, but I'm not afraid to watch offensive stuff, it's just flash, not to be taken too seriously. Nice drawings of the monkey man and jesus. I don't like christian rock music either (it's a matter of preference).... I agree that the two don't go well together. There was just something really creepy about this flash, maybe how you had jesus laughing like that, it was creepy. Though I disagree with your religious views, it's your point of view, so I'll leave it at that. You've got guts to mock jesus like that. I guess we stand on opposite sides. I get bashed for making religious flash. You get bashed for making anti-religious flash. Either way, it takes guts to speak out like that.
You're too cool for being able to see this for what it is instead of coming unglued. It's obvious that you recognise the absurd (as exampled by The Stillbournes..) Actually we made this song up as we played it. It just seemed so silly that I decided to make a quick flashy out of it. That's my only excuse. Well that and the heroin..!