It was alright
Pretty Good
another movie made for a class assignment..
this time i clearly ran out of time and had to cut battles short and end it pretty quickly..oh well got a 98 so fuckit
It was alright
Pretty Good
Pretty good
This wasn't nearly as bad as the last guy said. I liked the part with the spinners, but the music was skipping. Nice job.
That sucked immensly. Unbelievable suckage. I only gave it a one for sound 'cause of it's use of LoTR battle music for Issus
you mean the music that is used in like every preview and flash and everything ever? yeah that was the fresh part of the cartoon. And..I haven't watched this in a while but didn't I use music from requiem for a dream?
dude...this is shit
what...were you drunk while making ya class assignment?...jesus dude...the animation = crap.....the music = crap. ..basically....everything = crap.
Which means.... you = crap..... 0 for you my friend. Make good movies or make none at all...
and it's Alexander the Barbarian...not the great...jesus...
Not bad for however old you are
Alexander was a much older Napolean, he was a genius militairy man yet he was quite ruthless, like an Atilla the hun. Don't be fooled by "the Great". Also I see many movies saying CLASS ASSIGNMENT but this one was actually pretty good. Keep up the good work