Wow. Very nicely done, and I loved the DBZ sound effects. I can only look forward to the next submission.
this is episode 3 of the Tyran series.. so if you havn't seen the first and second one, DO SO NOW.. OR YOU WILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOIN ON..
anyhoo.. stay tuned for ep 4
enjoy ;)
Wow. Very nicely done, and I loved the DBZ sound effects. I can only look forward to the next submission.
im not a person that reviews much
i only review the ones i like and ur movies r fantastic =P i love stick wars lol
((( VERY COOL )))
Wow i am hooked, the music really sets the mood for the music, the movie does lack voices, but some cool effects made me like this film, really love the sound/FX and music choices, great work once again...
How the hell did this manage to get posted again?
It's near the top of the new submissions board, yet your date clearly says the 9th of december, i'm not sure what to think. Regardless, make more :)
It's good,but you used to much Matrix music for you Tyran. I have a question. Is Tyran a very evil devil who is killing everything with no nead? He's a bad boy. Anyway It's nice.