this is the concept was very well animated!!!
Well.. seeing my last one only took a few hours, i thought i might as well try a little harder, throw in a bit more time, and try produce something that is even a little bit more entertaining. Hope you like it. The idea progressed as the movie developed so, i hope you like it.
-Luke Quix
this is the concept was very well animated!!!
Alright concept very well animated
It was preety good but one thing make sure u no wot certain chemicals do morphene does not make you go to sleep it just make a certain area of your body should or tried sleeping or laughter gass they use them in hospitals.
there is not emergency flash movie around here and this one particular was pretty well done. The storyline was pretty solid from kid being hurt this was a bit slow but this also had some humor with the president scence and the voices were also pretty funny. Overall a original film with silo's and rib injuries nice work and pretty funny.
Good end tied in well..
Ummmm................. what can I say
That was pretty pointless Bush was a retard and the movie never showed what happened to him in the ER.