ha vegeta rocks
Goku would not have crushed Vegeta, Vegeta is to strong. good
This is part 2 to Majin Vegeta VS SSJ3 Goku....sorry if it is to short.
and there will be a part 3 then thtas the end to all this lol.....
ha vegeta rocks
Goku would not have crushed Vegeta, Vegeta is to strong. good
both of ur series suck dude just better be somtthing good in part 3
rubbish characters were very small specch went by to fast and one little thing you messed up with Goku at super saiyan 3 and vegeta at super saiyan is rediculos goku would have flattened Vegta without having lifted a finger only reason you got a one is cos you used something perfect from DBZ the usic i would have rated it higher if you would have used the right kind of music for your scenes
Not bad for first
What's the first theme called?
Tell me what site you got the SS3 Music from