Everquest is my life ya know =/
Ive been playing Everquest Online Adventures Frontiers and ive dedicated several hours of my life to it and theres no sign of it slowing down, i have to addmit im deeply offended by this flash. I may not have played the orginal but, this is just another example of those who played the game and/or series who dont have any respect for others to get along with in the virtual world. EQ has formed many many lasting relationships but alot more than broken relationships.
Everquestwolf of the Castle Lightwolf Server on EQOA Frontiers:
Kibawolf 60 Barbarian Warrior Hero
Drorphius 60 Necromancer Scholar
Tsumewolf 39 Rogue (soon to be burglar)
Edwardelrick 33 Alchemist (soon to be Transmuter)
And a special thanks to our Server Game Manager Agent Zhaita and as well as the other GMs of EQ =) for keeping Norrath a fun and safe place to resort to.