i like the part wen the blue guy was flying though the clounds and hit the blast and lived how do u make though plz tell me plz
just a frame by frame animation. please reviwe
i like the part wen the blue guy was flying though the clounds and hit the blast and lived how do u make though plz tell me plz
THis is a pretty good stick flash, like the post before, smooth out the effects. Also, mfix up the drawings. All else is pretty cool.
Good and Bad
you can make smooter effects more stuff and a longer flash but i like it and learn many things of flash
not bad
it had a good fight scene to it, but overall it was rather random.
DBZ? Where?
I get it. Two ninjas pretending to be from DBZ? Right? No? Then I guess I don't get it... simple yet cool animations and a nice background track kept this from being added to my worst Flashes of all time list. You're not as bad at this as was initially apparent. So says Dr. Manhattan...