in simpsons comic guy voice "worst movie ever!"
Hey guys, i havent submited any thing for a long time, death 3 might come out before the new year but i dont thinks so, i get lazy sometimes. Plus I'm not doing to stick figures any more. Any way this was done in a week for my socials but i then changed it to englsih because it was in french. Its not my best work since i had a dead line. Enjoy - PS im not sure if the preloader will work. if not try right clicking.
in simpsons comic guy voice "worst movie ever!"
in the last review you said it was off because it was in french, but i was IN your class and it was just as bad in french! quit making up excuses and tell the truth, you dont konw how to lip sync!
Actually no, in socials, tha dvd player is shit, causing ALL sounds to be delayed
It's a so-so
Well, Black MagiK, I HAVE made movies, so listen up:
1) Make the intro for yourself much shorter, I was already inclined to be disinterested before the movie started.
2) Make it a little more fast-paced. I found myself waiting too long for something to happen, so that I was laughing at jokes and not the movie as a whole. Try raising the framerate and see how that makes it look.
3) Sync the sound better. Do you make the sound a Stream or an Event? Sometimes the mouths moved so much longer than the voice I thought it might have even been a choice of yours.
4) Experiment with your comic timing. Let us see a joke longer and make the pauses in between them shorter.
That's it, I think. The graphics were fine and the sounds was... okay... although it was a little bit blown out (if you record, don't let the amplitude go above the top or bottom to keep it from blowing out), and the movie could have really benefitted from a constantly playing bkgd song. The song spontaneously stopping when text came up only aided the feeling of slowness and pauses.
Otherwise, it was good! I think that if you keep what I said in mind your next movie will be much better.
Yeah i know i had a problem with the lip sync , and that was because it was first done in french ( this whole thing was a socials project thats why there was info and stuff... ) so you can understand why the sync would be off. Also its running at 20 fps, and i had roughly only a week to do it so i rushed to get it done. Thnx for ur review and tips.
Michael Jackson's BAD album was the best.
"I'm BAD, I'm BAD, you know it." Man, I love that song, there is nothing BAD about Jackson's late 80's release, BAD. It's a great album in it's entirety. Who could forget that slick song, BAD, or even Man in the Mirror, another track from the album, BAD. You know what's funny? I don't even own the BAD release, but that's the first BADass concert of my life. It's BAD, you know it.
I'm Sorry But i dont listen to Micheal Jackson. And I have no idea wtf your talking about ?
That was g00d!
I voted 5 sigh.I get tried of this somtimes.