(irst of all you have to understand that a 5 is not a bad score. 5 is avrage. I just wanted to get that out so you dotn get mad)
I like to break down all of my movies (that i veiw) instead of bluntly saying : This Movie is teh BoMb or ThiS MovE Sucks!
Graphics: graphics are this movies only real +. very well drawn
Style: Nice consept, but a lil overlyused on NG.
Sound: a little repetative and needs voicovers
Violence: ok but not really intertaining
Humor: not really funny
Overall: this movie suffers from low frame rate, which is unacceptable considering the default FPS is 12, which is ok.
Plus, the models are like still-figure-motion tweens. no life like movment
Overall: 5