DUDE THAT ROCKED!!!You know,Mario could have won easely if he would have kicked the first koopa's shell to the others hehe.O well good anyway man
The orignal one had many flaws such as lack of sounds and crappy speech bubbles ive tried to fix this one up. oh by the way if you dont know who super Mario is this one isnt for you
DUDE THAT ROCKED!!!You know,Mario could have won easely if he would have kicked the first koopa's shell to the others hehe.O well good anyway man
the sounds were annoying, the 'story' was garbage, and overall, i'd rather run into a wall than watch this again
me like bowser go boom
I loved it all but my favorite bit woz wen bowser exploded when he hit the tree and the simpsons/flinstones theme woz gr8
What was that?
That was appauling. Ghetto speak, potty humor, annoying ringing sounds whenever the bad guys talkes...and the flintstones theme tune to top it all off?! Urgh, try something different. You have good scripting skills, try a new area of animation that doesn't involve mario sprites
And move away from the fart jokes, they only set out to prove that you have nothing better to wow your audeince with
average stuff
This is simply average Mario fare that dosen't stand up to the more hilarous video game spoofs out there. You do have exceptional skills in graphics, but they could be utilized for something much more funny.