Nice Try...
It's a good idea, but it's really glitched up, like, on lvl 2 or 3, i had a simple straight path, but when the penguin got on, it said the Game Over thing.
Good try though! :D
Yes I know penguins can swim....but not this one. This game is being developed by me ( ) for an American Company ( It only contains 3 levels. If you want more you will have to wait until release. Ok, Instructions. Use the blocks provided to make a path from where the penguin stands to the opposite side where the you can see the word Goal. He will only get over if you connect to the word goal. If the tiles run out you lose. There are only so many per level. If you make a bridge just keep putting down the tiles until they run out. This will make him walk over. And yes, you can throw a snowball at him (for those that feel the need to throw snowballs at penguins).
You lives will never run out. I am more interested in what you think of the game idea.
Nice Try...
It's a good idea, but it's really glitched up, like, on lvl 2 or 3, i had a simple straight path, but when the penguin got on, it said the Game Over thing.
Good try though! :D
That penguin must have been retarded or something, because on level three, all I got were those huge blocks of ice, and thepenguin still wouldn't cross even after ten minutes.
Really, extreeeeeemly repetitive. Got so bored past round 2, I just hit dat lil' "x" up top. BLAAAAAM!!!
Rubbish? No
Almost Rubbish. Its an idiot that bloody penguin
It was crazeh
It's fun to guide a pengiun... over ice n such, but then i got bored, then i died... then that was basically the end of it, good job