This sucked
that sucked
This was meant to be one of the levels in my almost done game, but after finishing the level i decided it didn't really match the game, and i didnt wanna see it go to waste so i replaced the character with someone more familiar. You guys probably noticed i rushed the ending and everything else xcept the actual game, if people enjoy it, i'll think about making a game with sniping levels.
UPDATE: My bad to every1 that saw this early on and porbably voted it 0. There was a problem with the loader and u guys prolly cudnt even read the rest of the instructions how to zoom in etc... in case theres sumthin still wrong, ITS UP to zoom in and DOWN to zoom out
This sucked
that sucked
The intro had a great, smooth 3D feel to it, but then the killing Bill Gates part...come on, did you get lazy or something?
what the fuck you ass it at least deserves a 3 or4
but to a point it could have been better but still
TheBatchelor is such an idiot, he should get banned just for giving it mor than 1/10!!
Really messed up
You are suppose to kill bill gates right? Your a sniper... how can he find u and why are there like 50 Bill Gates' out there? IT's really weird and I die in like 30 seconds. Pointless I think. Make a health bar and add that thing that u are suppose to have that is suppose to help you aim. Put in music. The only part that was good was the graphics but everything else was not very good at all.