fun poker gamr
Everyone loves video poker!
PLEASE VOTE AT LEAST A 3! THANK YOU! The game actually DOES work if you can FIGURE IT OUT!!
fun poker gamr
Meh very small nice effort, i can see the value of this on newgrounds so small but it packs a punch atleast, gosh sometiumes i dont even understand what im typing, im just saying what im feeling it may not make sense BE WARNED lol i should have said that before the review, but good effort it had pretty weak graphics though so that would be an area to improve on
Not Bad
It was an ok game, but the counter for my winnings would only rise to a maximum of $1000. UIt would be cool if you could see the dealer and stuff. And see the casino around you. Good work though.
Video Poker
I love video poker, whereever did you find it? (wink wink)
ur moma's arse
really lame
When you're done smoking your squirrel, come back, THEN rate it.