I miss Wade
Ask Wade: Has over 20 magic 8 ball type answers, and 30 longer predictions for you... See if you can hear them all!
It's actually pretty funny if you actually think about questions before just clicking the button..
Slap him if you don't like what he says!!
I miss Wade
I kept asking did he ever want to have gay sex with a cartoon character and he kept saying things like ask again later. FUNNY ahahahahahhahahha
do you want to be slapped?
Without a doubt
want to be slapped again?
yes, definatley
do you want to be slapped 100 more times?
yes definatley
*slaps 100 more times*
would you like to buy me a new computer while I slap you and then throw this crappy windows XP at you?
without a dobut
I suggest you stop slapping me you fucking asshole or you will have a bad fuure, i can make it happen
lol 5/5
i thought
" am i sexy "
i would not count on it
" are you sexy"
it is certain that this is true!
damn u wadeih fulpith!
---Surprisingly fun---
This is an incredibly simple game and actually very fun; especially if you think up some good questions! For example, I asked Wade if he likes getting slapped. And, when he responed with a "yes," I gave him what he wanted! If you play along, you CAN have fun with this!