This sort of game is seen to often throufghout newgrounds. Too simple.
This is a really simple revision I did of the classic game Pong. I mainly focused on the coding for this, and left the graphics and sounds, um... "classic" you could say. Still, I think this is pretty fun, and has a couple neat additions like powerups and "smacking" - a dangerous technique, but if you are successful, you completely screw your opponent. Try it with two people!
This sort of game is seen to often throufghout newgrounds. Too simple.
Shadow Flare's Review
Note: I judge submissions according to today's standards despite the date the flash was submitted nor the author's skill with flash at the time of making it.
Graphics (5) - It was just a plain white background with two black blocks bouncing the ball back and forth. I thought it would be ok with my last review on the other pong game, but I realized that after awhile the white isn't very appealing to the eye.
Style (1) - There was virtually no challenge to this game. You can't win nor lose and the computer doesn't move at all. You basically have to try to bounce a ball into a space around a still block. It had power ups, but the shrink did not work.
Sound (10) - Had the pong sounds. All you really need for a pong game.
Violence (0) - Does not apply to this submission.
Interactivity (1) - As I said before, not much of a challenge, bounce a ball back that didn't have time to gain enough speed is too easy. The oponent doesn't move at all.
Humor (0) - Does not apply to this submission.
Overall (4) - I average together the scores that would count for the submission and round up the result to give the author a fair enough overall score.
fun but...
the computer doesnt move...nuff said about that. Make the computer move and it'll be hella fun
i like pong
i once had an atari and i'd play pong a lot. my bro and i played your game for an hour. (i won) you gotta love pong. give it some work and make it a version of pong that no one's seen before and i'll call it a ten.
well....it's pong
what you'd expect i suppose, would be better though if you could play the computer aswell