it still doesn't impresses me...
I may even continue it from here, I don't know if I may just keep updating it forever and ever and ever, just jokin'
Thanx 4 Viewing
it still doesn't impresses me...
ooooo 666,,,,,kbs
yeah it was short and umm weird but yeah
wow, that kid should'nt be allowed in the kitchen. anyway, the talking looked really fake (considering his whole jaw was moving...) that's what you get when you use pictures though...oh yeah, i thought the fire also looked fake, but those are the minor details *that you should be paying attention to!*.
Yeah, I know, i did these things ages ago, i did actually have a 3d and 4th version, which in the course of events Iv'e lost (reformatting etc). But the first two versions are on here. Either way, yeah, I do logos and stuff on flash these days, I havent photo edited for ages, and it's was a thing I did one day when I was bored, nothing peticulary intersting. But I'm glad you liked it. hopefully later youll try out 'Matt'sCooking course 2', which is quite good, but after the intermission it kinda goes nuts, mainly because I wanted it finished and I was tired, or Gary's Happy ills, both are quite good. Matt.
After cling on this movie...
I clicked on two Xs: One in the upper right hand corner of the window, and one below "CLICK AN ICON BELOW TO VOTE!"
After Clicng - cling ... wtf is the cling supposed to mean. You really show your IQ level when you cant spell click
iliked it