That was really bad
The title scene was longer than the movie..
My new series starring....... ME! This one is only about 20 seconds short, as the series goes on, the episodes will get longer!
That was really bad
The title scene was longer than the movie..
Nice one dude.
The reason i thought this was cool was becuase of the effects of him flying through the air, landing in the water, squinting and coming up. And your style is cute, like little tiny chibies! Usually i would tell people to slam their head against their computer desks repeatedly until they passed out unconcious on the floor but i like your animation and it was cool!!!
Byes! Trin
Piece of shit, really.
What the hell was it about? You look like that? No more after the two you have at the moment or you will be killed.
it wasn't to bad.
I hope your show gets through the portal, because id like to see a longer episode next.
cute but needs a little more substance