Not bad..
it was kinda funny... but only a little.. tho i'd probably hire him... not sure why tho.
Coconut clock tells why he should be hired!
Thanks to the Clock Crew for accepting me, I'm now Oracle Clock!
For christ's sake, if your going to watch it, you might as well take some time and review it! Remember, your helping the future of NG by doing so!
Not bad..
it was kinda funny... but only a little.. tho i'd probably hire him... not sure why tho.
poor coconut
very well done
5 to u
Coconut clock rules
I was a clock once....until....well.....I was turned into a sundial. I love clocks, and feel for coconut, maybe more so, due to my reduction in stature. Coconut Clock Rules.....NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
yeah, more damn clocks
He looks like a hairy testicle. Maybe thats why he's unemployed.
your cute mr co co
i am b the surpreme power of strawberry clock and ill hire you as my side kick congradulations sir your hired you are no b's side kick if you have msn add me and ill be pleased to talk more with you and nice to work with you :)