Lame Song at begining and everything else.. is just fail.
Lame Song at begining and everything else.. is just fail.
The ending changed my opinion
At first, once i saw graphics, music, I just so wanted to blam this, but after seeing it through and reading the paper it changed my view around completely. I'm going to give it a 4 because I have a relative who's life is wrecked cause of drugs, and it does wreck the lives around them too.
A bit of work on graphics, and maybe get someone else to chose music and I think you may have something here. Keep it up..
Killing people to save them?
Ahh, so that's what.. gosh. That's deep, that really is. Not much for animation, nor was your choice of music to set the atmosphere on the train particularly suitable, but I did appreciate the meaning of this movie. It's a little sad more people didn't get to see it.
I think you've done beautifully- in your own artistic style of course.
OK first off...
I'm tired of all these movies that look unfinished, it was like 20 seconds long and OzMofio is right LSD isn't a street drug. Why do peopole make movies that are so short, at least have more than two guys get shot and stabbed once and then just some fucking words. I mean I get the message and everything, but you just need to put a little mo N2 it homie.
I guess...
Well, i got the message and all, but LSD isn't really what i would call a street drug, its a psyhchadelic hippie drug, now crack, cocaine, heroin, those are some street drugs. You would have to take alot of fuckin LSD to overdose, and if you did then your a damn retard. PEACE