I in no way, shape or form am using this movie to say that I support Bush or anything he does. Also, if anyone truly finds this offensive or hurtful, please contact me and let me know. For all you people saying I'm just whining about this subject, well, what are you doing in them reviews? Looks like whining back. How mature.
Ok I just updated it with more pics so hopefully it won't seem to drag as much. Although it still does drag a bit so that it lasts for the song. Hope you like it better now and again I apologize if you don't like it.
Just a little tribute to 9-11. I know you're all thinking, "Oh God! Another one!!", but just watch it. I know it's not that great, it's just some stats and a couple pics at the end with a good song in the background. Main reason I made it was for you all to hear the song. If you don't like it, vote accordingly, it's ok. I just wanted to get that song heard and show you all a few stats that are current as of 9-4-03. You can tell me it's stupid or bad all you want, that's how you feel, and that's fine. But if you liked it, especially the song choice, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks and enjoy.
The use of that song tied in with the pictures at certain points in the song are very effective in this 9/11 tribute. Different from many other 9/11 tributes, there were many more pictures and facts given here, which should make the score of this flash a decent 8/10 and 4/5.
To Bowserpants and killer-lord:
I understand the feelings about the current politics you have, but try not to let those feelings misinterpret the meanings of a tribute and propaganda. This is a tribute, meant to remind people of what happened on 9/11, not to instigate any blame on who might be responsible for the effects of 9/11. I believe that a 1 and a 0 are not appropriate scores for this tribute.
I Haven't Forgotten 911. Nor Will I Ever!
that was good but.....
to state my personal opinion, FUCK AMERICA!!!! i also understand you hate the fact that 9/11 happened. IT WAS FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO!!! FORGET IT!!!! country is dead, thats why u got a 4 in music. I see your goal here, being a tribute to 9/11, and to all the people and firemen and policemen and women that died in the incident. dont get yourself down. it wasnt your fault. you sghouldnt fret. unless someone of great importance to you died in the incident, you really shouldnt care. it just goes to show how dumb this country is, how corrupted the government is, and how moronic bush is. bush is assualting iraq when he should be attacking afganistan. what a faggot. and one more unrelated thing. no religion is correct.
Crap :)
Wow its hard to find a 9/11 thing on here that actually feels sorry for what happened. Yes it happened, but apparantly people just keep blabbering about it. Look at us now! In Iraq! Where we have NO business being! Some smart nation we are. we listen to what a president who can barely read has to say and do it! I comment no more.
Oh this flash sucked. Delete it someone please!