haha pretty cool
lol, made me laugh...dumb though :P
I hope you like it, and please give feedback. Giving me ideas will help me getting the second one out faster.
haha pretty cool
lol, made me laugh...dumb though :P
Keep up the good work man that was funny and just wondering if you will make more if so add mario as a cameo or something but yeah that was funny
ok i want to tell you that i really liked it, but like the guy before me said it was a little flat and you didnt really get a sense of the action. maybe music? i dontk now i dont make these things i just pan them. heh. keep trying though you got a good thing going.
That had very good graphics but you didnt offer me anything different it was kinda flat so work on it and im sure you will get rave reviews
You are a geeenius
Congratulations! You have officially made the most fluid sprite movie I have ever seen. You didnt use any crap job copy and pastes, all of your sprites blended so well togethor, your fight scene was amazeing, the text was brilliant, and the concept of random people just trying to figure out what the hell is going on rules. I commend you sir, and I hope that you make many more sprite movies.