freakin sweet
freakin sweet
very nice
i gave style a 0 because although i love them, stickmen are very ovre used on NG. I think this is a very smooth fbf (i assume, i could tell you drew everything painstakingly if it is) with a lot of really good violence, mixed with mayhem and cool randomness (sumo guy and monster. overall, i think you have a good talent with flash and maybe could go beyond sticks.
PS: i understand that sticks are easy to work with so i dont blame u if u stay with them(thats wht i do)
good day :D
Holy crap man what is up with this its the most unoriginal movie ive ever seen a bunch of stick men... you also too must be a stick man with a stick brain and whats up with the clicking to see them talk its a flash movie not a game if it was game then put some real controls in it... Like for example why the heck do i need to click to see someone talk cant they do it themselfes... i would rather click something if theres a decsion to be made or else what the hell is the point and second off why stick men have an imagination even those damn annoying clocks have more style than you... go back to creativity school and atleast get your grade 2.
thats retarded
i hated it
5 vote
so good nice music nice BLOOD awesome movie i love the music!