edged to this on new years
After My Friend Made A Flash Movie Of a DDR Flash Movie, ( http://newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=64318 ) I bugged him to do another one. But he refused, so I finally decided to make him teach me flash and I made my own.
In an attempt to learn the ropes of Flash MX, I've compiled this movie. The song is a popular DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) song "Rhythm and Police", and all images, animations, and effects are related to the song. There is no specific point to this movie, it's meant to be entertaining - an animutation of sorts.
Now, for your viewing pleasure: Rhythm And Police.
go on! enjoy the show!
edged to this on new years
im assuming im the only one here in 2021 lmao
I Give this a 10 1/2!
I loved this animation so much!
Ugly guy who is supposed to be the devil
The sound could have been better thought...
great Job
I love the song. It had a some random things in it but you did a great job.