You got to be kidding with that crap! Anyway did Neil know these?
My first Fanimutation. I hope my future movies will be better
You got to be kidding with that crap! Anyway did Neil know these?
It was alright.... but it sucked compared to the original... =\
It wasn't incredible... but i dont think it deserves a 1... i thought it was great. but you should do the whole song. "Partial" music videos like that don't get good scores. Still, it was very creative, It deserves more
Not as good as the original... but it had it's special parts! I would've given it a little higher of a rating had there been no original, but it still stands that Neil Cicierega is the best Animutator out there, and only Hyakugojyuuichi!! (props for spelling it more Hepburn, though) is the best. :D
(All those who don't like it because they thought it was just plain bad probably aren't fans of Animutation. I think.)
what the was that? bad, dude. just...bad.