dude gay gay ga jk that was real good. if your good with story telling ou could make it into a series like come up with a different thing that could of happened in 97
This is my first real attempt at a flash movie. I downloaded the flash trial version and pumped this out in a few hours. I won't beg for mercy, like I see a lot of first-timers do. Any criticism is welcome, except "gay gay gay gay gay", because thats just stupid. Lets see how long this will last...
dude gay gay ga jk that was real good. if your good with story telling ou could make it into a series like come up with a different thing that could of happened in 97
I liked it
I really liked this. Considering you said you did this in a few hours on a trial version its really good. I couldnt do better :) good luck and make some more!
i can believe it received such a low score
cos it really wasn't very good
Why you gotta be a hater? I mean, seriously. Are you a little mad I told you to take the stick out of your ass? I apologize. I wasn't aware that it was shoved so far up there as to make it impossible to ever remove. If only I could feel your pain. But, despite the fact that your a retail bitch (not an insult), I will agree with you that this movie isn't any good. I'm just glad that you're need to get even made you watch my movie, so we both win (actually, I think I win more). Be sure to look for a shout out in my next movie, you're my favorite revewier! IM me sometime!
I can't believe this has such a low score, it's hilarious! I love the conversation rhythm of it all. Really great for a first flash. Well done, A+, super job, etc.
that was awsome .. yes it left me in aww and wonder ... that was great .. lol... that was just cool ... make more.. make more!!!!! do it now .. the power of christ compels you ...!