Reasonable... bit short though, even for a day! The sound gets a bit annoying though.
One entire day... making this thing.
Oh well, enjoy my 1337 flash skills, the clip was remixed by me and the original clip is from the lobby scene of the matrix.
Note: yes, this was traced, not because I can't draw, because I like the art style and how neat it comes out.
Just like in the target commercials X_x. well I would have made it longer but the clip was only 11 seconds long so...
next time, I'll do a jet set radio one.
wich would be longer with better music.
Its not my fault fucken noobs are sending half assed matrix shit.
I've always been a fan and I was experimenting with this clip so it turned out to be an animation.
so quit your bitching.
Reasonable... bit short though, even for a day! The sound gets a bit annoying though.
okay :)
wasn't bad, but I don't think it took you as long as you said. I think graphic wise it's fine, I like the style as well, but I think you should try doing more with it. Oh, and try some other things then just music. It is good.
you just used a trace program
Theres no effort in this and no way it would take u one day to make this, u used a trace program like coral trace or sumthn, tis is gay
Intresting animation
that was intresting i have never seen a movie like that before. good job
You're all retards.
Does no one read the authors comments anymore?
"LOL well any way try agian but trace cleaner and add more detail" - Chromizone
But wait, what did the author say:
"Yes, this was traced, not because I can't draw, because I like the art style and how neat it comes out. "
Ohh, looks like you've been shit faced
And look, Heretic1:
"Make your own movie, not just trace one witg flash mx, LOL! LMAO!"
Sheer genius? I think not.
You're right though heretic, it is funny, how something which is obviously as inbred as you are can use a computer. But as is also obviouse, you did not read the authors comments.
I hate all you little shits who have no clue about anything. Did you not consider, that though originallity is lacking, that tracing might be hard? I mean hell, some of you don't even know how hard it is to make a stick animation. Sure everyones seen it a "million" times (though I doubt it's that inflated), but that doesn't mean it isn't good.
Everyone who has given this animation a low score should probably get themselves over the, and download a demo of flash, submit something, and we can all see how fantastic your stuff is.