This is a messege to all the clock crew, but especially GOLDEN CLOCK! Most of clock crew movies are horrible!!! (with the few exceptions that I did like) And Golden Clock is a fucking prick. So DBZ is gay? Yea we know that, but does not give you the fucking right to blam a submission cause you don't like DBZ, in protest, I voted 5 on this CLOCK movie, cause even though I can't stand your retarded CLOCK ideas, I know how much effort and work goes into a flash movie. Golden Clock, I swear, you even blam someone who actually did lots of work, but you don't like the content, remember to go fuck your dog.
And yea I have nothing on newgrounds, so I should not be talking at all, but fuck I am a Flash developer and I do have a voice when I see someone who forgets how much work and effort it takes to make a movie, and then a fuck like you blams it and says "DBZ=GAY PORNOGRAPHY"
Watch the fucking anime first, to date it has the BEST fight scenes of any anime, the reason its stupid is cause the damn animators stretch the show like a rubber band and fill the spaces with nonesense.
When you say that, means you're a moron, cause you don't give a shit about the movie, all you care about is your crew, and that's all you like.
Its best that we never meet, for most people its fatal.