And here is what NO.1 JUDGE Xidious scores YOU.
I'm pretty sure you can get away with putting him in a microwave (btw I also thought he looked more like a stick of butter.)
Cheese Man rulez. This is just a Test. The real movie comes in a month. What do you think about cheese man?
And here is what NO.1 JUDGE Xidious scores YOU.
I'm pretty sure you can get away with putting him in a microwave (btw I also thought he looked more like a stick of butter.)
i was good but you need to make it longer.
it would be great.
The real movie
While you may have figured this out by now, I wanted to let you know that we do not normally accept tests here as submissions. I do not know if there is any official rule, but there may be. You should work harder to make something and I guess that was your intention. It would have been better if there had at least been some music. I guess the animation by itself is not terrible. While I like cheese (I thought it was butter at first) you need to work with a way that gives you more creativity.
Leave him aloooooone!
C'mon, I didnt know people on newgrounds were so dumb!
Can't you lot read "Its a test", he just wanted to test if the flash worked!
But it was still awful, lool, no offence!
Cheese, exploding? Cheese, dying?
Making cheese in a rubbish flash?
HOW DARE YOU! You need to make this longer I like the character of cheese but don't make him die because, cheese is too gooooooooooood to die!
Cheese-Bot Out...