You just killed a Ricther Belmont
The only thing I hate more is one of castlevania character getting slaughtered by megaman characters. Seriously Megaman is a better chance to beat up since he is the sadistic character. So stick with Megaman slub.
Alright. I've updated this for anyone who saw it before, because I made a few mistakes. Awfully sorry, I am aware that it is a movie, not a game. That has now been changed. This is because I was about to upload a game, but then suddenly realised I hadn't FINISHED it! I then proceeded to upload this one instead, totally forgetting that I still had it set as a game. My bad! :p
Oh, and a note to Phantosanucca:
You truly are a fucking dick-head. I didn't mean I MADE them manually, like, drew the pixels myself or something, I meant that I got an emulator, took snap-shots and used photo-impact to lassoo the pictures (which took a painstakingly long time) and make sprite-SHEETS-- not sprites. There IS a difference, you fucking moron. Sorry, I shouldn't be swearing so much in a blurb... oh, and the bit about how you're "not sure if you're allowed to submit movies with stolen sound..." I have Castlevania 5 for the audio bit. And if THAT's not good enough, then, well... you're just a cock-smoking complainer, aren't you? :)
You just killed a Ricther Belmont
The only thing I hate more is one of castlevania character getting slaughtered by megaman characters. Seriously Megaman is a better chance to beat up since he is the sadistic character. So stick with Megaman slub.
For what it was, that was alright! I give you props for your animation technique; you could've just flipped the Rich sprite over to have him turn around, but you actually bothered to integrate other walk frames into his turnaround move! Well met!
My only suggestion would've been to isolate the text into a sort of little window so it wouldn't be floating onto the background, but this has, after all, been reviewed five years after the fact... :] Poor Rich!
Weirder then the D&D thing... GOTTA LOVE THE SNES! I still have mine
Hooray, I'm thir...TEEN
Well actually I'm older than that. Yse. Anyway, good movie, and FAIL OF THE YEAR AWARD goes to PHANTOSANUCCA, whose name sounds like some sort of libido drug (Viagra for Women would be fitting.) BACK TO THE MOVIE...
It was kind of short. Fun to watch, but short. The sprites were well used and the humour was well done. Gotta love slapstick.
That was just.....strange.
Not bad....bizzare maybe. Not much of an oddysee, but worthy of a chuckle.
Hey man, I'm just gonna reply to you, but this goes for everyone who said that same "oddysee" thing: I am aware that it's not exactly an "oddysee", but this infact, refers to the entire series, all of which star cut man and bomb man... the SERIES is their oddysee.