nah i did'nt like it
srry its not really funny but you did good
A quick reenactment of a current true story:
Now, this isn't going against any "groups" or "people", just the dipshit in question :) .
Song is called Child's Prayer, voices by me . Also, says "by b33rs3x", cause had changed my name at the time ...
nah i did'nt like it
srry its not really funny but you did good
wtf wtf is all i have to fucken say maaaaaaaan that bishop is a wird man.......fuck.......i t was really funny thou =)
That was one angry bishop. He took it like a man, though!
short and very weird.... but your efforts were good and it was based on true events too.
it(s not that much work to put that together but hey , pedophile priests and big bubba => it's a win-win situation :D