OH NO!!!
Boo hoo. It's your fault. You weren't paying attention in class and that's what you get. If you are really that sad, then build a new one. And make it ACTUALLY bobble.
I made this movie because in chemistry one day we were making molecules out of those wooden balls and sticks and i had made a bobble head dog out of some of the balls and some wooden sticks and a few springs. Then my teacher came and destroyed it to make a molecule of ethyne. I made it to show my friends and my teacher so it isnt very good and i meant it to not be for online use but i would like to know what you think.
OH NO!!!
Boo hoo. It's your fault. You weren't paying attention in class and that's what you get. If you are really that sad, then build a new one. And make it ACTUALLY bobble.
aw man......
some reason it made me emotional.... *sniffle*
Eh eh,
well computer aint working very well and so i gazed into a white box for about 7 min then snapped out of it and said.. im guessing this movie was ok. we remember?? this better have been good..
Had to stop....
I get so tired of watching flashes that have no sound that I could just spit! Also, no action in a flash seems to me to defeat the purpose of using Flash ANIMATION!!!!!! The word Animation is in the NAME!!!!!! I had to stop watching this sad excuse for a movie six frames into it. What were you thinking?
:'-( Eye fiel yer paine
Coem heaer fer ai hug