you got most voice clips from MoHAA!!!!!! zomg!!!
WW2: Takes place in 1944 on an island called Grim. The German forces have taken two scientists as hostages. An English/American squad is trying to rescue them... (You musn't forget to toggle the quality to Medium or it'll lag!)
you got most voice clips from MoHAA!!!!!! zomg!!!
Cept you coulda made the MP40 shoot faster...
good. VERY good
oh and Seether, you're a little mixed up. Muskets were in the american CIVAL war. those rifles were m1 garands and tompsons. the long, thin rifle was the garand and the rifle with the red hand grip was the tompson. the german's weapons were a colt.45 (pistol. even though it looked like a deagle) and an mp40( the black SMG) i got this info from Medal of Honor: Frontline. so don't acuse me of faking. I'M NOT!
I liked how ou took the voices from Medal Of Honor Allied Assault, and the graphics were amaising, a few things that I did't like were how the corpses fell when the guy was shot he fell all the way to the wall, it was unrealistic, with muskets, how the men were, although the guy who said about the foker wolf, was wrong, it might not have been them, despite all the unrealistic things, I enjoyed it, I would whine more but I don't wanna be too naggy and it was great anyway, plus I may be a huge fan of ww2 but I dont really care about it, twell the unrealisti things.
Nice nice!
One of the best and most interesting story lines of a stick animation I've actually ever seen. Thank you!
But I got to agree with some people here. The guns and the backround sound were way to high compared with the voices.