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Simple Catapult Game

June 23, 2009 –
June 29, 2024
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

My first distance game and also my first heavily coded game.

===***CREDIT TO***===

John Bezanis at swf.spot.com for the actionscript
DBZ-Dude for the music


Hey you copied...

You copied another game... Totally copied it: Same items, same play, there are trampolines and fans. Sincerely, try harder. AND DONĀ“T COPY OTHERS.

<deleted> responds:

I just learned this from a tutorial, but okay. :\

Try harder!

SRy to say, but you definitely need to work on your animation skills and need a music mute. Though it wasn't very original, its good for a first try at a game...i couldn't figure out the launch system, sometimes the rock would go flying and I would get like 25000 and sometimes it went perfectly straight up and I got 0...

<deleted> responds:

I just copied and pasted some code, so hey, no wonder it sucks.
The launch system involves you selecting the center of the bar and firing. The top will send it vertical and the bottom will send it horizontal. Thanks for the criticism, I guess. :\


Not original. Bad music and no mute button. Horrible graphics.

That being said, I've seen worse and since this is your first game... Keep trying. Next time maybe get someone else to do the graphics and find some better music.

<deleted> responds:

Of course it's not original, I just used a tutorial for this game. Oh, and the graphics and sound are due to my lack of "give a shit". Go figure. :\

Not that good...

To say that thi is your first distance based game it's really good but compared to others it is a bit sloppy... Just make the fans and trampolines' effects work better and it will be a LOT greater! Hope this helps dude!

<deleted> responds:

Thanks, I suppose. :/

Good stuff.

Good start, keep at it. You could start off by improving simple things such as spending more time on the graphics. (Shadowing the rock, etc).


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