Newgrounds Background Image Theme

Miro doing Art for hire


Commissions are Open!

iu_335850_8767234.webpiu_335851_8767234.webpiu_335852_8767234.webpHi my name is Miro, I'm an Illustrator currently trying to make a little bit of scratch doing Commissions, currently I only have 5 slots are open currently and once they're all taken they'll remain closed until a 1 or more commissions are complete!!!,

Here are my rates:


sketch commissions are $3 dollars

line art commissions are $5 dollars

flat and full color commissions are $7 dollars


sketch commissions are $ 5 dollars

line art commissions are $ 10 dollars

flat color commissions are $ 15 dollars

full color drawings are $ 20 dollars

I'm willing to draw: furry, OC's, Fantasy, Fan art, SFW and NSFW(I will charge an additional $7 dollars), basically anything not racially or ethnically offensive

If interested or if you want to discuss details Either DM me here on Newgrounds or Contact me at mirocommessions@gmail.com