The Pixel Day 2019 winners have been determined! Special thanks to @RealFaction, @moawling and @PhantomArcade for judging assistance.
The top three entries in each category will receive honorary supporter status and Steam keys for CrossCode, Eskimo Bob, Mad Nords and Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage!
The #1 entry in each category will receive $100, with the exception of games, where the top three will each receive $100. Games was our strongest category this year and we thought it deserved some extra prizes!
Top Three Games
Awesome Runner-up Games
Top Three Music
Top Three Animation
Honorable Mention Animation
Top Three Art
Thank you everyone who participated in Pixel Day this year! Thank you @RealFaction for originally suggesting this event; we’ve got four years of pixel partying under our belt now.
Also huge thank you to @moawling for our beautiful site skin this year:
And this Pixel Day promo gif!
This was our biggest Pixel Day yet and we're building more momentum each year. It can get waaaay bigger though, especially with all the pixel artists out there who could participate in the art category. We hope to see you next year!
If you missed it, we now show full art pieces in your feed. We also announced the Best of January, updated tagging and introduced multi-image support for art via the commentary space.
As usual, if you enjoy everything going on around here and would like to see it continue, please consider becoming a supporter! For $3 a month you can browse NG ad-free, get lots of perks and help make the site better for everyone. If 1% of our visitors were supporters, we wouldn't have to run any ads and would be paying out good rev-share while producing more cool original content. Be the change you want to see!