Robot Day is this Saturday and it will be all robots, all day!
Here are the loaders for games and movies:
Robot Day Flash MX (AS2) Loader
Align it to the bottom right and visibility of the bots will vary based on your dimensions. If you want to include an ad, you can remove the existing borders and drop it over the angryfaic box. BANG BOOM POW.
The NG Game Jam is this weekend as well, here is the loader:
Flash MX (AS2) Game Jam Loader
NOTE: This loader auto-plays. If you want to include an ad on your loading screen, you will want to make some tweaks and include a PLAY button. You could just carry over Nath's fun animal art if you do something custom.
Here are the BEST OF JUNE!
Top Five Movies
Leo & Satan II wins $250 for being the top ranked movie based on original material.
Top Five Games
Runner-Up Movies
11. : Diet Riot :
12. Neenja 3
15. Shallow Lake
17. Birthday 19
18. Flash Ahh
Runner-Up Games
6. Epos
9. Age of War 2
11. lightBot 2.0
13. Quick Sand
15. Kill Me!
16. Loved
18. Easy Joe
19. Protector IV
20. Destructo-Truck
The voter of the month and winner of $100 is KidneyThief.
Congrats to all the winners! Here is a pic of the Robot Day loader: